Google the Leader

Google The Leader

History of Google

Google the leader of today’s advance world. The google founded in September 4, 1998, Menlo Park, California, United States.

The Founders of Google are Larry Page & Sergey Brin

Need of the basic search engine

The google inc. Launched its first product that’s our lovely google search engine

Google is the simplest search engine which needed to Internet user to find there required data from the Internet which need some software to do that from the Internet and give results to user

This involves long procedure and algorithm to search the required data from the all over the Internet within less time as in some seconds which is completely and unique thing

How Google Search (basics)

For sake of understanding The Google search engine just stores data of websites that are available on world wide web (Internet ) and index them accordingly to the Googles algorithm which is used to search by the users when user enters a query then search engine looks its index to find that’s relevant data and then shown to user

Google is not only the search engine

In the beginning the Google was only search engine but later after the Google created multiple software and solutions which are required to people around the world the google there are almost reached 98 in number .products available in 2018 which are increasing with the passage of time the google revenue report of 2018 stands at….billion $

The some major product offered by the Google

  1. Search engine
  2. Chrome
  3. Android
  4. Ad sense
  5. Google Scholar
  6. Google maps

And the huge team of Google are working on a new project on daily basis and achieving new goals and success

That’s all from khooji visit home to read more amazing things and not forget to share with your friends

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