Ubuntu vs Windows

Ubuntu vs Windows

Its difficult to switching to Linux form windows, but with the passage of time you will get addicted to Linux  as you have thousands of new things to explore and hundreds of opensource software.

When we starting to write about Linux Vs Windows we decided to tell about these operating System and there working and preferences.


Both the operating systems are very popular and we have installed both the operating systems.

Windows for Normal Users, Linux for Pro.

Choosing between Linux and Windows Depends on user’s requirements and Perspective. See the Comparison between both system

Silent features of Ubuntu 

There are some following reasons that makes Ubuntu better then Windows, these are:

  • Stability and much better performance.
  • High security.
  • Resources are less than Windows.
  • Ability to customize the OS to your on desire.
  • A lots of tools are available.
  • Updates are available

Over all Ubuntu is comfortable to use.

Available Applications Replacements in Ubuntu

The fact that many distributions have matured and become user friendly, there are some solutions to the Ubuntu/Linux family:

  • LibreOffice (which is quite powerful indeed) – for Office
  • Fade In Professional Screenwriting software (equivalent to Final Draft)
  • Ink-space & Scribes (for Illustration & Publication purposes)
  • Valve’s Steam for games (the titles of which are steadily increasing)
  • Several Media Encoding software for some good video production
  • Dropbox full integration in the file manager
  • Naturally, all major bowers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera) and email clients (i.e. Thunderbird) are also available, including Skype

Pre-installed Drivers 

Drivers are not much of an issue nowadays with the Kernel updates and some of the proprietary ones coming out for Linux. In most cases, a desktop system has everything working almost perfect out of the box.

Why to chose Ubuntu

  • Ubuntu is Free and so any other Linux distro.
  • You don’t have to buy Office (Word, Power-point, Excel etc.) separately. It comes with OpenOffice pre-installed.
  • You don’t have to buy costly hardware’s for the basic need. (RAM. Processor, HDD etc.)
  • Ubuntu is more stable.
  • When you have installed Ubuntu, you don’t have to install anything else to get you started with your productivity.
  • No need to for years for the bugs to get fixed. You can track them down in Ubuntu.
  • You can update everything on your system with just one update manager. No need to run separate Update manger for all the software’s you installed.
  • Don’t get tired restarting your computer all the time. You do it almost never with Ubuntu.
  • You are free from Pirated software’s. With Ubuntu you can share it with as many people as you want and it is LEGAL.
  • Play hundreds of games for Free. Your PC won’t get slower day by day. It happens in Windows only.

You need help..!! Get free help of Ubuntu here

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